Thursday, December 8, 2011

Week 3 - A Week of Firsts....

Week 3 with our little man has been a week of firsts.

It was his first bath....

Unfortunately, he was freaked out a little bit, but loved being wrapped up in the towel at the end.

The good news is the Bath #2 was MUCH better and he didn't cry at all.
Thank Michael for the considerate cropping of the photo so Cameron isn't embarrassed when he gets older.

We introduced a bottle....

Cameron took the bottle like a champ. We have previously said he is a good eater, so the doctor said she had no problem introducing a bottle a bit early since I will be going back to work.

Ruby is getting more and more used to Cameron being around....she still is a bit timid, but I know they will be great friends at some point.

At my baby shower, my friends made Cameron onesies to wear - here is their favorite:
"If you think I'm cute you should see my mom's sorority sisters"

I tried to put him in one of his snow suits....I think it might be a bit too big...

Just some other cute shots of the little man.....