Friday, January 27, 2012

All the new things...

So as Cam gets bigger, we are learning we have to start entertaining him with new toys. Sometimes he is a bit hesitant, but is starting to interact more and more with them.

Swinging away! Also, typically a great spot for a morning nap.

Circle of Neglect!
He does not yet like to grab at things. The picture above I put it in his hand and he held on.

Bouncy Chair, which he kicks so much can move it on his own.

Hanging in the Bumbo helping mommy cook - please disregard that it is pink.
The Bumbo always makes kids look so funny.

First Baby Bjorn Walk - he did pretty well although I think he will like facing out much more!

More Christmas Pics...

Christmas was a great time!
My side the family were finally all together to had been about 6 years since this had happened. Figured it would just be easier to show through pictures.

Cameron and Harper went and saw Santa together.

Harper got to decorate Christmas cookies with Nana and me. She REALLY loved the frosting!

Aunt Jessica finally got to meet Cam!

Harper loves her cousin....sometimes a little too much. She now knows to only kiss on the cheek or the head, not on the lips.

Finally a family pic!
.....can't forget Ruby!

Proud grandparents!

The whole group!
Santa brought us WAY too many presents, and my mom fed us WAY too much......overall we had a wonderful Christmas!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Holiday Madness

In the time since the last blog entry, the Tully family have had a pretty exciting time of it. Cameron attended his first quiz night and helped our team, Bob Loblaw Law Blog, continue our tradition of winning excellence. He even contributed, correctly identifying deposed former Libyan Dictator Muammar Gaddafi during the visual round, and the Sonic Youth song "Goo" during the audio round.

Cameron made his first trip to Breckenridge (shortly followed by his second, third and fourth). It's a place he is bound to become very familiar with in the coming years. He adjusted to the altitude really well, much more effectively than I did when I first made it to the mountains about 9 years ago. He wisely drank considerably less alcohol than I did, which may have had something to do with it.
He is yet to experience much in the way of snowfall, but I feel like that is come soon. PLEASE SNOW!!

We welcomed a fat, jolly man in a red suit. He gave Cameron more toys and clothes than he, or we, could have possibly hoped for. (I hope he likes clothes with frogs and bears and trucks on them when he is 18. He won't need anything new until then). He also tasted some amazing Christmas food (via Jenna). Many thanks to his American Grandparents.

New Year's Eve was pretty low key but fun. We drank some booze and played some games with Brandon and Dawn (one unnamed person continued their unbeaten streak at Scattergories). The entire family triumphantly made it past midnight... and we're soundly asleep 15 minutes later.

We had a great holiday season and hope everyone else did likewise.