Friday, October 28, 2011

The Pumpkin Patch

So I have really only gone to pumpkin patches in Florida, which means an open field with a straight line of pumpkins that were picked and moved to the field. Our friends, Dawn and Brandon, decided it would be fun to go to a farm and pick out the pumpkins we were going to carve that evening, so we tagged along.
I could not believe the amount of pumpkins at this farm. You drive in, they hand you directions and a little saw to cut your pumpkin off the vine - I was super excited. There were fields upon fields of pumpkins everywhere - I honestly had never seen that many pumpkins in my life!

Here we are scavenging through one field trying to find the perfect pumpkins.

We of course found 2 of the biggest pumpkins in the field and threw them in the car!

Our next stop on this adventure was the corn maze. The farm had 3 different options, so we chose the middle distance. We first let the dogs lead us around the maze, which in hindsight, was a bad idea. After about 20 minutes of wandering around, we ran into a checkpoint, which made us realize we should probably use the map that was provided, find all the checkpoints in order to find the after another 30 minutes of a bit of wandering, we made it to the end.

Ruby loved it as you can tell!

We headed over to a friends house and what would be a party without bobbing for apples - seriously, when is the last time you did that? The person who found the one with the quarter got to have beers brought to them all night - unfortunately, after everyone went, the last apple was the winner, so everyone had to get their own beers.

It was then time to carve pumpkins! Michael already knew what he was doing, and I honestly have no pumpkin carving skills, so I found a lovely stencil of a pirate.
Here are the final products and some other people's thrown in.

The pirate on the right is mine, and Michael went with the Pac-Man theme for his.

Unfortunately, our pumpkins lasted only 1 day. The lovely squirrels in our yard found it entertaining to steal bits and pieces and eat them, ending in complete destruction. We had never heard of this happening, but will guard our pumpkins next year.

Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. How fun!! The pumpkin patches in Atlanta are very similar to Florida - yours looks awesome!
